El sistema fue nombrado Tormenta Tropical y bautizado como Gordon, pero ahora mismo se encuentra con 25kts en medio de la nada. Me recuerda a Vicky 2020
Gordon is struggling mightily against very dry mid-level air, and
this environment is unlikely to change much over the next few days.
In fact, it would not be surprising to see Gordon become a remnant
low at any time if convection does not soon return in a more
prominent way near the center. After 48 h, the environment is
forecast to begin moistening some while vertical wind shear is
expected to be fairly low, providing an opportunity for Gordon to
re-intensify, presuming there is enough of a system left to take
advantage of the improving environmental conditions. The NHC
intensity forecast is not much different from the prior one aside
from the weaker initial intensity, and assumes Gordon will survive
in the short-term, which is not a forgone conclusion.
Podría coger algo de aire en 48h y desplazarse al Norte dirección Azores.
Muchas horas por delante, en condiciones deplorables. Le van a cascar un "remmant low" y ya si eso volverán al seguimiento en unos días.