Joer, esto es lo que hace grande la astronomía amateur, a pesar de tanto sistema LINEAR y NEAT aún se siguen descubriemdo cometas a pelo
Con tu permiso Meteo-Neo pongo una nota de la NASA
William Bradfield Finds Another Bright Comet
IAU Circulars 8319 & 8320 announce the discovery of C/2004 F4 (Bradfield) by Willliam A. Bradfield (Yankalilla, SA) on March 23.43 & 24.42 using a 25 cm reflector. The comet was close to the horizon in evening twilight. Further attempts to find the comet were unsuccessful until the last few days. The preliminary orbit has this comet reaching perihelion of 0.17 AU on April 17.1 UT. The comet may reach m1~2 about that time. Unfortunately, the comet remains within 20 degrees of the Sun during the time it is bright. The comet is currently south of the Sun in the evening sky. Near perihelion, the comet's elongation from the un will be 4-5 degrees. I have yet to look at the observing possiblities, but it is unlikely that it will not be visible from the Northern Hemisphere until after perihelion. Any observations from either hemisphere will be limited to twilight observations until the comet is well past peak brightness. I will post a link to the ephemeris when it becomes available. CSM