Parecía que no pudiera conseguir un desarrollo significativo pues su centro se adentró en tierra firme, pero a conseguido organizarse, y salir nuevamente al índico, por lo que el B.O.M inicia seguimiento, al igual que lo hace la marina americana.
at: 1246 UTC 21/01/2013
Name: Tropical Low
Identifier: 08U
Data At: 1200 UTC
Latitude: 18.8S
Longitude: 121.4E
Location Accuracy: within 30 nm [55 km]
Movement Towards: southwest [230 deg]
Speed of Movement: 7 knots [12 km/h]
Maximum 10-Minute Wind: 15 knots [30 km/h]
Maximum 3-Second Wind Gust: 45 knots [85 km/h]
Central Pressure: 1002 hPa
Radius of 34-knot winds NE quadrant:
Radius of 34-knot winds SE quadrant:
Radius of 34-knot winds SW quadrant:
Radius of 34-knot winds NW quadrant:
Radius of 48-knot winds NE quadrant:
Radius of 48-knot winds SE quadrant:
Radius of 48-knot winds SW quadrant:
Radius of 48-knot winds NW quadrant:
Radius of 64-knot winds:
Radius of Maximum Winds:
Dvorak Intensity Code: T1.0/1.0
Pressure of outermost isobar: 1004 hPa
Radius of outermost closed isobar: 50 nm [95 km]
Storm Depth: Medium
Date/Time : Location : Loc. Accuracy: Max Wind : Central Pressure
[UTC] : degrees : nm [km]: knots[km/h]: hPa
+12: 22/0000: 19.0S 120.5E: 055 [100]: 025 [045]: 1000
+24: 22/1200: 19.4S 119.3E: 080 [145]: 030 [055]: 998
+36: 23/0000: 19.7S 117.9E: 100 [180]: 035 [065]: 996
+48: 23/1200: 20.1S 117.0E: 120 [220]: 045 [085]: 988
+60: 24/0000: 20.2S 116.2E: 140 [255]: 045 [085]: 988
+72: 24/1200: 20.2S 115.5E: 155 [290]: 040 [075]: 990
Good outflow/divergence aloft and weak vertical shear is helping convection
slowly focus near the centre of the weak low level circulation. The
concentration of convection has improved compared with the same time yesterday
despite weak synoptic scale low level convergence and competing convection in
the heat trough over land during the diurnal peak. However there are no
signifcant pressure falls occurring in the vicinity and the surface circulation
remains weak and poorly defined, as evidenced by the earlier [0318Z] Oceansat
In favour for development is the fact that the circulation is already developed
in the low to mid-levels,is experiencing only low to moderate wind shear, will
mover over waters of high ocean heat content [SST>31C], and the flow is
anticyclonic in the upper levels. Despite this, most models don't suggest
intensification to cyclone strength without broadscale low level forcing. Much
will depend upon whether convection continues to focus near the LLCC overnight.
If this eventuates, a faster than typical development rate of a small system is
expected. NWP generally has lower skill in such a scenario and hence the
precautionary warnings.
Forecast motion is to the west southwest, roughly parallel to the coast under
the influence of a weak mid-level ridge.
Copyright Commonwealth of Australia
The next bulletin for this system will be issued by: 21/1900 UTC by Perth TCWC.