"Climate Change Reconsidered" nuevo libro del NIPCC

Iniciado por _00_, Domingo 24 Mayo 2009 23:36:42 PM

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Mensajes: 6,102
Motril, costa granaina
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ya parece que está listo,

CitarClimate Change Reconsidered:
Report of the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change
Table of Contents

Edited by Craig Idso and S. Fred Singer

1. Global Climate Models and their Limitations
1.1. Radiation
1.2. Clouds
1.3. Precipitation

2. Feedback Factors and Radiative Forcing
2.1. Clouds
2.2. Carbonyl Sulfide
2.3. Diffuse Light
2.4. Iodocompounds
2.5. Nitrous Oxide
2.6. Methane
2.7. Dimethyl Sulfide
2.8. Aerosols

3. Observations: Temperature Records
3.1 Hockey Stick
3.2 Medieval Warm Period
3.3 Urban Heat Island
3.4 Fingerprint
3.5 Satellite Data
3.6 Arctic
3.7 Antarctic

4. Observations: Glaciers, Sea Ice, Precipitation, and Sea Level
4.1. Glaciers
4.2. Sea Ice
4.3. Precipitation Trends
4.4. Streamflow
4.5. Sea-level Rise

5. Solar Variability and Climate Change
5.1. Cosmic Rays
5.2. Irradiance
5.3. Temperature
5.4. Precipitation
5.5. Droughts
5.6. Floods
5.7. Monsoons
5.8. Streamflow

6. Observations: Extreme Weather
6.1. Drought
6.2. Floods
6.3. Tropical Cyclones
6.4. ENSO
6.5. Precipitation Variability
6.6. Storms
6.7. Snow
6.8. Storm Surges
6.9. Temperature Variability
6.10. Forest Fires

7. Biological Effects of Carbon Dioxide Enrichment
7.1. Plant Productivity Responses
7.2. Water Use Efficiency
7.3. Amelioration of Environmental Stresses
7.4. Acclimation
7.5. Competition
7.6. Respiration
7.7. Carbon Sequestration
7.8. Other Benefits
7.9. Greening of the Earth

8. Climate Change and Species Extinctions
8.1. Terrestrial Plants
8.2. Terrestrial Animals
8.3. Coral Reefs
8.4. Rapid Evolutionary Change
8.5. Conclusions

9. Climate Change and Human Health Effects
9.1. Mortality
9.2. CO2 and Human Health
9.3. Longevity
9.1. Nutrition
9.2. Biofuels
9.4. Conclusions

(se puede adquirir en heartland.org o amazon.com)

CitarIn "Climate Change Reconsidered: The 2009 Report of the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC)," coauthors Dr. S. Fred Singer and Dr. Craig Idso and 35 contributors and reviewers present an authoritative and detailed rebuttal of the findings of the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)


Cumulus Congestus
Mensajes: 504
Ubicación: Murcia
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Mensajes: 6,102
Motril, costa granaina
Ubicación: Motril - 40 mts
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Un poco, pero comparado con los $ que cobran algunos por conferencia, púes hasta se quedan cortos.

Yo me esperaré a ver que cuentan  ;D , que seguro que alguien lo compra con dinero público (y por lo menos lo criticarán)


Cumulus Húmilis
Mensajes: 195
Ubicación: Torrent, Valencia
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Jeje, me encanta el capítulo1, empiezan ya como dicendooo ejjjjqueeee.....

1. Global Climate Models and their Limitations  :mucharisa:


La vieja guardia de Meteored
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hrizzo (1951-2022) DEP

Cb Calvus
Mensajes: 1,794
Ubicación: Vila-seca, Tarragona
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:viejito: Heber Rizzo
"Mi ignorancia llena bibliotecas"
Yo mismo

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