Climate Change Reconsidered:Report of the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate ChangeTable of ContentsEdited by Craig Idso and S. Fred Singer1. Global Climate Models and their Limitations1.1. Radiation1.2. Clouds1.3. Precipitation2. Feedback Factors and Radiative Forcing2.1. Clouds2.2. Carbonyl Sulfide2.3. Diffuse Light2.4. Iodocompounds2.5. Nitrous Oxide2.6. Methane2.7. Dimethyl Sulfide2.8. Aerosols3. Observations: Temperature Records3.1 Hockey Stick3.2 Medieval Warm Period3.3 Urban Heat Island3.4 Fingerprint3.5 Satellite Data3.6 Arctic3.7 Antarctic4. Observations: Glaciers, Sea Ice, Precipitation, and Sea Level4.1. Glaciers4.2. Sea Ice4.3. Precipitation Trends4.4. Streamflow4.5. Sea-level Rise5. Solar Variability and Climate Change5.1. Cosmic Rays5.2. Irradiance5.3. Temperature5.4. Precipitation5.5. Droughts5.6. Floods5.7. Monsoons5.8. Streamflow6. Observations: Extreme Weather6.1. Drought6.2. Floods6.3. Tropical Cyclones6.4. ENSO6.5. Precipitation Variability6.6. Storms6.7. Snow6.8. Storm Surges6.9. Temperature Variability6.10. Forest Fires7. Biological Effects of Carbon Dioxide Enrichment7.1. Plant Productivity Responses7.2. Water Use Efficiency7.3. Amelioration of Environmental Stresses7.4. Acclimation7.5. Competition7.6. Respiration7.7. Carbon Sequestration7.8. Other Benefits7.9. Greening of the Earth8. Climate Change and Species Extinctions8.1. Terrestrial Plants8.2. Terrestrial Animals8.3. Coral Reefs8.4. Rapid Evolutionary Change8.5. Conclusions9. Climate Change and Human Health Effects9.1. Mortality9.2. CO2 and Human Health9.3. Longevity9.1. Nutrition9.2. Biofuels9.4. Conclusions
In “Climate Change Reconsidered: The 2009 Report of the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC),” coauthors Dr. S. Fred Singer and Dr. Craig Idso and 35 contributors and reviewers present an authoritative and detailed rebuttal of the findings of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)