Hace ya bastantes meses posteé éste tema en el foro de Meteorología.Ya que no tuvo éxito,lo traigo aquí a Astronomía dónde quizás tenga más:
http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/solarsystem/death_of_earth_000224.htmlAl ser ésta una página de meteorología,la parte más interesante del artículo es ésta.Básicamente dice que el aumento de radiación solar hará que,dentro de 500 millones de años,no habrá suficiente CO2 para que las plantas puedan realizar la fotosíntesis y 500 millones de años más adelante,la Tierra parecerá una copia del planeta Venus:
Before Earth's oceans ever have a chance to freeze or fry, they might have already dried up and evaporated into space, said James Kasting, a Penn State professor of meteorology and geosciences. Kasting estimates his version of the end is a mere 1 billion years away.
"The sun … is getting brighter with time and that affects the Earth's climate," Kasting said. "Eventually temperatures will become high enough so that the oceans evaporate."
And, Kasting said, a cataclysmic finale may come even sooner. As Earth becomes a global desert, carbon dioxide levels are expected to drop. At a certain level, which he and his colleagues say might be achieved in half a billion years, there would not be enough carbon dioxide to support photosynthesis, and most plants would die.
Remaining plants would not be sufficient to support a biosphere, Kasting contends. So while the entire planet might incinerated in a few billion years, or cast off into a deep freeze, it's possible that life on Earth is already in the sunset years.
"If we calculated correctly, Earth has been habitable for 4.5 billion years and only has a half-billion years left," Kasting said.