Me he puesto en contacto con el autor a traves del mail y esto es lo que me ha dicho:
Rubendgl> The problem is that not accept the username or password when i try to load Tao Linux for run MeteOS.
Angel: To get username and password, you have to purchase "WRF support" and I will help you to run the model, it will takes half hour or so. You will be able to run the model for up to 120 hours. Finally, you will get around 25-30 weather maps like pressure, temperature, dewpoint, wind, relative humidity, height, vorticity, helicity, shear, instability.
Please, tell me more about you. From where are you? Are you a meteorologist?
Rubendgl> Where can i download a Windows version of this program ?.
Angel: There is no native Windows version, but you can run the current Linux program on top of the Windows, using VMware emulator. Everything is very user friendly, you don't need any Linux skills to use WRF model, there is a easy Java GUI for the configuration of the model.
Hope to hear soon from you.
Como ves, es necesario hacer una pequeña compra para asi poder disponer del usuario y contraseña para que funcione el programa.