He encontrado algo sobre una reunion hoy en San Petersburgo donde hay un director del ENIMS y va sobre el cambio climatico;Mirad:
28 SEPTEMBER 15:05
Over 500 delegates and guests converge on congress of climate change
28.09.2004, 03.40
ST. PETERSBURG, September 28 (Itar-Tass) - More than 500 delegates and guests have converged on St. Petersburg to attend the 6th Climate Change Congress which is due to open here on Tuesday to discuss the status of the Russian water resources and their use in new conditions, in which climate changes are likely to occur.
UNESCO experts, President of the World Meteorological Organization Alexander Bedritsky, and specialists from the International Association of Hydrological Sciences are expected to take part in the Congress.
During the eighteen years that have elapsed since the time of the preceding, fifth forum of Russian water scientists, substantive changes have happened in the Russian territory, including in its water balance, the status of the water resources and the condition of the water bodies, according to the organizing committee deputy chairman, Professor Igor Shiklomanov (ENIMS institute).
He said Russia ranks second in the world after Brazil as regards the absolute mount of its water resources. However, it ranks third after Brazil and Canada among the word’s six countries with the biggest water resources (Brazil, Russia, Canada, the United States, China and India) with respect to the provision of water to the population.
The Congress will chart prospects for the development of systems of hydrological observation and information provided to the consumers. Special attention will be paid to the water balance, the surface and ground water resources, forecasts of floods and other dangerous hydrological phenomena.
ENIMS institute have asegurate that this winter could be very cold. "Colder than average in most of the European countries" have said Professor Igor Shiklomanov.
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28.09.2004, 16.36
Sheremetievo airport to be upgraded comprehensively - Levitin
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