Sala de prensa

Desconectado hrizzo (1951-2022) DEP

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Re:Sala de prensa
« Respuesta #1104 en: Lunes 06 Marzo 2017 10:14:48 am »
How They Got Rid Of The 1940-1970 Global Cooling

Official government temperature graphs used to show no net warming from 1870 to 1970, and about 0.5C cooling from 1940 to 1970.
NASA/NOAA have been steadily wiping this post-1940 cooling out, and now have completely erased it.
They accomplished by changing the stations that were being used. Between 1940 and 1970, the average latitude of GHCN/GSN stations with daily temperature data linearly moved more than 20 degrees closer to the equator. This introduces a huge warming bias and allowed them to commit the biggest scientific fraud in history.   

:viejito: Heber Rizzo
"Mi ignorancia llena bibliotecas"
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Green power, black death
Paul Driessen

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
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Desconectado hrizzo (1951-2022) DEP

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Re:Sala de prensa
« Respuesta #1105 en: Martes 07 Marzo 2017 10:37:42 am »
Grape Harvest Data Evidence: No Significant Modern Warmth

… grape vineyards have been growing in England for thousands of years, or that grape harvesting occurred 100s of kilometers further north than it does today as recently as during the latter stages of the Medieval Warm Period (~1100 to 1300 A.D).

:viejito: Heber Rizzo
"Mi ignorancia llena bibliotecas"
Yo mismo

Green power, black death
Paul Driessen

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
Albert Einstein

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Re:Sala de prensa
« Respuesta #1106 en: Miércoles 08 Marzo 2017 08:48:34 am »

Como siempre resulta que el calentamiento global, es culpable de que el hielo del Báltico sea de mayor grosor y tengan que cambiar los rompehielos ya que los que tienen no rompen lo que tienen que romper.

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Re:Sala de prensa
« Respuesta #1107 en: Martes 21 Marzo 2017 18:19:17 pm »
Descubren una enorme bolsa de carbono hirviendo en la astenosfera:

SCIENTISTS have discovered a colossal pool of molten carbon stretching 1.8million square kilometres under the United States.

The grim find is a warning to humanity that the planet could easily spark climate chaos without the help of humans.

Geologists at Royal Holloway, University of London’s Department of Earth Sciences found the melting region – which is just 350km below Earth’s surface – using a huge network of 583 seismic sensors that measure Earth’s vibrations, to create a picture of the area’s deep sub surface.

They were shocked to discover a massive reservoir under western US.

Scientists believe that if any of this carbon was to be emitted into the atmosphere it could have grave consequences for the environment.

“We might not think of the deep structure of Earth as linked to climate change above us, but this discovery not only has implications for subterranean mapping but also for our future atmosphere,” concluded Dr Hier-Majumder, “For example, releasing only one percent of this CO2 into the atmosphere will be the equivalent of burning 2.3 trillion barrels of oil.

“The existence of such deep reservoirs show how important is the role of deep Earth in the global carbon cycle.”

  Desde Andosilla, Ribera Alta de Navarra. 306 - 462 m

Desconectado hrizzo (1951-2022) DEP

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Re:Sala de prensa
« Respuesta #1108 en: Jueves 23 Marzo 2017 11:20:15 am »
State of the Climate in 2016

Among the key findings of the survey are:

** While 2016 was one of the warmest years on record, global temperatures dropped back at the end of the year to levels prior to the strong 2015/16 El Niño. This fact suggests that much of the global 2015–16 temperature peak was caused by a one of the strongest El Niños on record.

** Since 2003, the global temperature estimate based on surface station measurements has consistently drifted away from the satellite-based estimate in a warm direction, and is now about 0.1◦C higher.

** Much of the heat given off during the 2015–16 El Niño appears to have been transported to the polar regions, especially to the Arctic, causing severe weather phenomena and unseasonably high air temperatures.

** Data from tide gauges all over the world suggest an average global sea-level rise of 1–1.5 mm/year, while the satellite-derived record suggests a rise of more than 3 mm/yr. This noticeable difference between the two data sets still has no broadly accepted explanation.

:viejito: Heber Rizzo
"Mi ignorancia llena bibliotecas"
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Green power, black death
Paul Driessen

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
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Desconectado Clavivs

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Re:Sala de prensa
« Respuesta #1109 en: Jueves 23 Marzo 2017 13:34:11 pm »

** While 2016 was one of the warmest years on record, global temperatures dropped back at the end of the year to levels prior to the strong 2015/16 El Niño. This fact suggests that much of the global 2015–16 temperature peak was caused by a one of the strongest El Niños on record.

No se puede atribuir un récord de temperatura global a un fenómeno recurrente como el niño que lleva produciéndose desde tiempos prehistóricos. El hecho de que la temperatura global haya descendido a niveles previos al niño, significa que sigue estando muy alta y que el fenómeno del niño simplemente la elevó un poco más, alcanzando el récord, cosa que no habría sucedido si la temperatura global hubiera estado en valores de los años 80 por ejemplo.

Las tres crisis: cambio climático, pico del petróleo y colapso financiero.

Desconectado hrizzo (1951-2022) DEP

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Re:Sala de prensa
« Respuesta #1110 en: Sábado 25 Marzo 2017 10:51:07 am »
Effect of Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations on Early Human Societies

To clarify, there are three different photosynthetic pathways: C3, C4 and CAM. For the purposes of this discussion, only the C3 and C4 pathways are of concerned. CAM is utilized by cacti and similar plants that are not a large component of the human diet. The C3 process evolved first, over 400 million years ago when CO2 levels where many times current levels and are utilized by about 85% of the existing plant species today. The C4 process evolved much more recently, about 30 to 40 million years ago, when CO2 levels had dropped to levels still above todays levels, but much lower than when C3 plants evolved.
It is believed that the C4 process was a natural adaptation to lower atmospheric CO2. With CO2 levels rising from levels of 180 ppm during the last glaciation to about 400 ppm currently, the C3 plants show a larger response, but the C4 plants also benefitted to a considerable degree, due to increased drought resistance and mycorrhizal colonization of plant roots. Examples of C3 plants are beans, rice, wheat, barley, rye, oats, soybean, peanut, cotton, sugar beets, spinach, potatoes, all woody trees and most lawn grasses. The C4 plants include corn, sugarcane, sorghum, millet, Bermuda grass and poa.

Many plants species evolved at much higher CO2 concentrations than we are experiencing currently. The predecessors to Gymnosperms, or evergreens, evolved about 360 million years ago when CO2 levels were about 4000 ppm, 10 times today’s levels. The Angiosperms, or flowering and deciduous trees, evolved about 160 million years when CO2 levels were about 2200 ppm, over five times current levels.

:viejito: Heber Rizzo
"Mi ignorancia llena bibliotecas"
Yo mismo

Green power, black death
Paul Driessen

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
Albert Einstein

Desconectado hrizzo (1951-2022) DEP

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Re:Sala de prensa
« Respuesta #1111 en: Lunes 22 Mayo 2017 08:23:49 am »
Lamentablemente, la ciencia post-moderna, la oficial,  está indudablemente dominada por la ideología político-filosófica imperante. La realidad comprobada y comprobable (el método científico) así lo demuestra:

Hilarious Peer Reviewed Climate Hoax: “The conceptual penis as a social construct”

A pair of hoaxers have demonstrated that random garbage, some of it computer generated, can pass academic peer review – providing it seems to conform to left wing social prejudices about masculinity, capitalism and climate change.

« Última modificación: Lunes 22 Mayo 2017 08:25:22 am por hrizzo »
:viejito: Heber Rizzo
"Mi ignorancia llena bibliotecas"
Yo mismo

Green power, black death
Paul Driessen

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
Albert Einstein

Desconectado Fco

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Re:Sala de prensa
« Respuesta #1112 en: Viernes 02 Junio 2017 00:26:06 am »
Con la salida de EEUU de los tratados climáticos, se abre la veda para la locura total

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Re:Sala de prensa
« Respuesta #1113 en: Viernes 02 Junio 2017 22:28:54 pm »
Locura ya es que unos individuos en una reunión se crean que regulan el clima.

Desconectado Jose Bera

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Re:Sala de prensa
« Respuesta #1114 en: Lunes 05 Junio 2017 07:54:30 am »
Locura ya es que unos individuos en una reunión se crean que regulan el clima.
Si solo fuera eso.
Firman una cosa que todo el mundo incumple de alguna manera, que no afecta a todos por igual y que encima algunos de quienes protestan tienen manga ancha por un tiempo, no sea que no hubieran firmado entonces o se vayan, cosa que por cierto podran poner sobre la mesa cuando expire el plazo.
Sin entrar en el personaje, es entendible que haya gente que pase de circos y quienes crean que mejor montarlos y todos tranquilitos, porque en el fondo, de verdad `pocos creen en esto.

Desconectado fobitos

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Re:Sala de prensa
« Respuesta #1115 en: Lunes 05 Junio 2017 13:14:51 pm »
Locura ya es que unos individuos en una reunión se crean que regulan el clima.

Trump simplemente se ha dado cuenta de que todas esas reuniones y demás son un pozo sin fondo donde cae dinero público,dinero de todos. Unas cumbres a todo trapo,con hoteles de 4-5 estrellas, viajes en avión en primera clase,buenas comilonas,cenas,desayunos y viajes por los atolones de la polinesia para ver "los efectos del cambio climático". Que se reúnan en una playa debajo de un chamizo o en la selva brasileña o que hagan reuniones por videoconferencia y las firmas de tratados con fax. Los acuerdos son todo postureo pero bueno, hay mucha gente que vive de esto,si bien ahora con la salida de EEUU y veremos si más países,hará que haya menos dinero disponible para todas estas milongas.
Desde Móstoles,a 670msnm. en twitter: @meteomostoles / No es meteorólogo solo el que predice.