Punto más frío en el sur de Europa

Iniciado por MeteowebItalia, Sábado 13 Noviembre 2010 19:07:47 PM

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Good Evening.
I'm Giuseppe from Italy, one of the responsible of an italian Weather Association. (http://www.meteoweb.it). We are many weather passionates and in our association we make climatic research.
I hope that someone could me write in english, because it can't speak spanish. :(
In this period we are studying about the climate of the mediterranean country as Italy, Spain and Greece and we are searching the coldest point postioned in the southermost point of Europe, for this reason I write you to receive help about the climate of your country. We are focusing our research in Ptolemaida Area (Greece) in cooperation with a greek association, in Pollino Area (Calabria-Italy) (we directely monitoring the area) and now we are searching information about Sierra Nevada. We hope that someone could cooperate with us!

Thanks very much for your support and your help!
Greetings from Italy


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And, how do we establish what is southern Europe?


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Hi Pannus and thanks for your interest.

We are concentrating the research on the physical region of Europe, defined by the geographical atlas. (So Turkey, physically is considered Asia, and we know also that is coldest than European countries) The southernmost country in EU are Spain, Italy and Greece, and Sierra Nevada is the southernmost mountain chain and potentially the coldest. Greek and Italian mountain chains are northernmost than Spanish, but they have many sinkholes (carbonates rock) that with the thermal inversion have a good performance in cold.


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But, what we refer to the countries of Spain, Italy and Greece WHOLE?
Or to Europe below 40 ° N?
Or below 45° N?
Where do we mean?

And, are we talking about absolute minimum temperature, mean annual temperature, mean temperature of the coldest month or winter?
It is necessary to first specify what we mean exactly.


Cb Incus
Mensajes: 4,966
Jonan + Ola = Yola
Ubicación: Bergara (Gipuzkoa) / Ohio - Condado de Lorain
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Would the Pyrenees be included in the south? I think that is important to give a clear answer to Pannus' question. Do we include all Spain, Greece and Italy or only the southest part of them? Or maybe we can put the limit considering the latitude
Siena - Toscana - Italia
Bergara (Gipuzkoa), a 155m de altura.
Ohio - Condado de Lorain


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De la intervención de Jonan deduzco que el traductor de Google es de todo menos un traductor...  :mucharisa:


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Yes sorry for not explaining completely the research. We are finding the southernmost point from the point of view of latitude, independently from the country.

We are searching for the minimum absolute temperature and the mean annual temperature

f.e : If we find (absolute temp) -32°C in Greece at 40° latitude, and then we discover that in Spain you registered -34°C in Sierra Nevada at 37° latitude. That will be the southernmost coldest point of the physical europe.
The same analysis for the mean annual temperature.


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Cita de: Pannus (Robespierre) en Sábado 13 Noviembre 2010 21:11:11 PM
De la intervención de Jonan deduzco que el traductor de Google es de todo menos un traductor...  :mucharisa:

Maybe for all is easy that I speak italian and you spanish!! Are so similar :)))))


Cb Incus
Mensajes: 4,966
Jonan + Ola = Yola
Ubicación: Bergara (Gipuzkoa) / Ohio - Condado de Lorain
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I understand, I supossed that it would be something like that. However, I don't think that it's enough. For example, imagine that we have -36ºC at 40º latitude, but in the other hand we have -35,9ºC in 39º latitude. The first one is colder, but the second one is only 0,1 hotter, and is souther.
Siena - Toscana - Italia
Bergara (Gipuzkoa), a 155m de altura.
Ohio - Condado de Lorain


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Cita de: MeteowebItalia en Sábado 13 Noviembre 2010 21:18:35 PM-34°C in Sierra Nevada

Is not an official register.
Spanish official record is -32º in Pyrenees at 1956.


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Cita de: Jonan en Sábado 13 Noviembre 2010 21:23:37 PM
I understand, I supossed that it would be something like that. However, I don't think that it's enough. For example, imagine that we have -36ºC at 40º latitude, but in the other hand we have -35,9ºC in 39º latitude. The first one is colder, but the second one is only 0,1 hotter, and is souther.

Good observation!! I think that in case of this we have to evaluate, we have to assign an importance to latitude and to temperature. I suppose that the second one will be the coldest, because one degree of latitude is more important that 0,1° of temperature.


Cb Calvus
Mensajes: 1,885
Ubicación: Telde-Canarias
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Cita de: Pannus (Robespierre) en Sábado 13 Noviembre 2010 21:26:04 PM
Cita de: MeteowebItalia en Sábado 13 Noviembre 2010 21:18:35 PM-34°C in Sierra Nevada

Is not an official register.
Spanish official record is -32º in Pyrenees at 1956.

Exactly, the official lowest temperature is that from "Lago Estangento", province of Lleida, February 2 of 1956.