Empezamos un nuevo año y abrimos un nuevo topic ya que el anterior esta muy cargádo y se pasará a la Sala de Lectura, ponemos en esta primera página los resúmenes desde el año 2003 y otros datos y enlaces de interés, espero que en este nuévo topic sigamos disfrutando meteorológicamente hablando con este tipo de fenómenos atmosféricos tan apasionantes aunque a veces triste e inevitablemente ligádos a desastres de gran magnitud
Huracanes 2005
Este año se han formado trece huracanes, de los cuales siete han alcanzado las categorías 3, 4 ó 5, las máximas en la escala de intensidad Saffir-Simpson, y en total hasta 31/12/2005 30 sistemas tropicales de diversa intensidad
Esta cantidad es la mayor que se ha registrado en los 110 años desde que se llevan estadísticas sobre los huracanes en EEUU.
La anterior temporada atlántica de mayor intensidad ocurrió en 1933 cuando se formaron 21 sistemas tropicales.
Asimismo esta temporada batió los récords de cantidad de huracanes, con 13, y de intensidad, con 3 ciclones de categoría cinco: "Rita", Wilma" y "Katrina".
Según datos provisionales de las autoridades de EEUU, "Katrina", que devastó en agosto Luisiana, Nueva Orleans, Misisipi, Alabama y Florida, ha causado daños superiores a 60.000 millones de dólares.
El huracán "Andrew", que impactó Florida en 1992, era hasta este año el que causó más daños materiales: 26.500 millones de dólares.
También en la categoría de los récords, "Wilma" -que azotó Florida en octubre- es el huracán que se ha intensificado más rápidamente en la historia pasando de tormenta tropical, con vientos de hasta 118 kilómetros por hora, a un monstruoso ciclón de categoría cinco en 24 horas.
"Wilma" es también el más poderoso huracán de la historia y superó al llamado huracán del Día del Trabajo que devastó Florida en 1935 y al "Mitch", que arrasó Centroamérica en 1998.
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Por si algo te sirve:
2005 Records-
27* named storms formed during the 2005 season. This is the most named storms in a single season, breaking the old record of
21 named storms set in 1933. (* contando a Zeta)
14 hurricanes formed during the 2005 season. This is the most hurricanes in a single season, breaking the old record of
12 hurricanes set in 1969.-
7 major (Category 3 or high on the Saffir-Simpson scale) hurricanes formed during the 2005 season. This ties (empata) the season record for major hurricanes, first set in
Three Category 5 hurricanes formed during the 2005 season (Katrina, Rita, and Wilma).
This is the most Category 5 hurricanes recorded in a single season, breaking the
old record of two category 5 hurricanes set in 1960 and 1961.
Seven named storms made United States landfall during 2005 (Arlene, Cindy, Dennis, Katrina, Rita, Tammy and Wilma). This puts the 2005 season in a tie for
second place for landfalling storms behind the
1916 and 2004 seasons where eight named storms made landfall. An eighth storm brushed the coast of North Carolina in 2005, but did not make an offical landfall. (Éste no es un récord)
- The 2005 season was
the most destructive for United States landfalling storms, largely due to Hurricane Katrina. Damage estimates for the 2005 season are over
$100 billion dollars.JULY
Five named storms formed (Cindy, Dennis, Emily, Franklin, and Gert).
This is the most on record for the month. Two major hurricanes formed (Dennis and Emily).
This is the most on record.AUGUST
Five named storms formed (Harvey, Irene, Jose, Katrina and Lee). Only 1990, 1995 and 2004 have had more than five named storms form during the month of August.
Five hurricanes formed (Maria, Nate, Ophelia, Philippe and Rita). This
ties (empata)1955, 1969, 1981, 1998 and 2000
for the most hurricanes to form during the month of September.OCTOBER
Six named storms formed (Stan, Tammy, Vince, Wilma, Alpha and Beta). This
ties 1950 for
the most named storm formations during the month of October.Four hurricanes formed (Stan, Vince, Wilma and Beta). Only 1950 had more hurricanes develop during the month of October.
Two intense hurricanes formed (Wilma and Beta). This
ties 1950, 1961, 1964 and 1995 for the most intense hurricanes to form during the month of October.
no records were set in November, though it was active compared to average DECEMBER
Hurricane Epsilon was only the 6th hurricane to ever form in the month of December.A falta de datos, Zeta representa la segunda TS de diciembre (No sé si eso es récord o no)
Dennis became the most intense hurricane on record before August when a central pressure of 930 mb was recorded.
Emily eclipsed the record previously set by Dennis for lowest pressure recorded for a hurricane before August when its central pressure reached 929 mb.
Katrina's central pressure dropped to 902 mb. At the time, it was the fourth lowest pressure ever measured in the Atlantic basin.
Katrina's central pressure at landfall was 918 mb. This is the third lowest pressure recorded at landfall behind the Florida Keys storm of 1935 ? 892 mb and Hurricane Camille of 1969 ? 909 mb.
Katrina became the most destructive storm on record with an estimated $50 billion dollars in insured damage. This shatters the old record of approximately $25 billion dollars (normalized to 2005 dollars) in insured damage set by Hurricane Andrew (1992).
Rita's central pressure dropped to 897 mb. At the time, it was the third lowest pressure ever measured in the Atlantic basin.
Vince was the furthest north and east that a storm has ever developed in the Atlantic basin.
Vince was the first tropical cyclone in recorded history to strike the Iberian Peninsula. Wilma reached Category 5 intensity. Wilma was the third Category 5 of the season. This is the first time that three Category 5 storms have formed in one year, breaking the record of two Category 5 storms set in 1960 and equaled in 1961.
Wilma's central pressure dropped to 882 mb. It was the lowest pressure ever measured in the Atlantic basin, eclipsing the old record of 888 mb set by Hurricane Gilbert (1988).
Alpha became the 22nd named storm of the 2005 season. This breaks the old record of 21 named storms set in 1933.
Beta became the 13th hurricane of the 2005 season. This breaks the old record of 12 hurricanes set in 1969.
Delta dejó al menos un récord de iento en Izaña (Tenerife, 2360 m), con una racha máxima de 248 km/h. El récord estaba en 200 km/h el 6 de enero de 1979Si no me equivoco, Epsilon tiene el récord del huracán que mayor latitud ha alcanzado en un mes de diciembre. Llegó a una latitud de
34.6N, el 3 de diciembre, con categoría 1 (75 kt, 987 mb). Además podría ser el
huracán que más ha durado en condiciones adversas.HISTORICAL RECORDS INDICATE EPSILON IS ONLY
1925, ALICE #2 IN 1954, LILI 1984, AND NICOLE 1998.Zeta surpassed 1954 Alice #2 as the longest-lived tropical cyclone to
form in December and cross over into the next year. Zeta was also
the longest-lived January tropical cyclone. In addition, Zeta
resulted in the 2005 season having the largest accumulated cyclone
energy, or Ace, surpassing the 1950 season.
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